Employees can update their home address, work and home telephone numbers, emergency contact information, email address, and tax withholdings at this site.
Outlook Email Access
Employees may access their company e-mail from any device connected to the internet.
or visit Be sure to use your full email address as User Login ID.
Shop the Volunteers of America Online Store
The Volunteers of America online store has great gift and promotional items. Login information may be found in the Online Store Manual.
Volunteers of America Relias Learning
Employees can complete required training anytime, anywhere! Employees can enroll in a wide range of additional training programs and seminars offered through Volunteers of America Texas on this site.
Marketing and Communications Assistance
To request assistance from our Marketing + Communications Department, please complete this form.
Needs include: website updates, social media content submissions, flyers, one-pagers, brochures, logo requests, signs, videos, presentation assistance, event invitations and client stories
Transparency in Medical Coverage Rule
Machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.