What keeps you motivated and dedicated after the 24 years that you’ve been with VOA Texas?
I love working with seniors and people with disabilities and helping them to find affordable, safe, and decent housing. I love the VOA Family and how supportive they have always been to me. VOA has afforded me the opportunity to grow and advance in my field since I joined them in 1998.
Explain how you have benefited from growth opportunities at VOA Texas.
I started with VOA in the closing of the Louisiana Affiliate office and relocating the properties and positions to Texas in Grapevine. I worked closely with the Vice President of Housing and the Regional Managers. I was then promoted to Regional Housing Manager and had a portfolio for Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nevada. When a position came available at VOA Texas in development and housing, I then transferred to VOA Texas and worked closely with the VP of Development. We successfully developed 2 811 properties and a 202 property and aligned with VOA to purchase and do a Tax Credit application for 3 Section 8 properties in the Valley. I was then promoted to VP of Housing and have been in that position for a number of years. I was afforded the opportunity to work with the person I would consider for taking my position upon retirement and that was a successful endeavor. I now work part-time and all because I love what VOA is all about, I love the VOA family and I love what I do.
What’s your favorite memory at VOA Texas?
I remember we had a fire at one of our properties in Fort Worth – It displaced a number of residents but no one was hurt but my heart was warmed by all the people who came to help. The church that help to feed the residents, the services that were brought in to help, and the relationship I developed with the residents during this time. We made a difference.